In addition to general information about the company, its mission, vision and goals, annual business plan of Elektromreža Srbije also includes the analysis of company performance for the current year and budget parameters which will define its performance in the year for which the plan is developed.

Elektromreža Srbije regularly adopts reports on the level of annual business plan implementation, and the reports on compliance of the planned and implemented activities (quarterly reports on the annual business plan implementation). Annual business plan implementation reports are also submitted to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia.

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2022

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the first quarter of 2022

Annual business program for 2022

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the III quarter of 2021

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2021

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the I quarter of 2021

Annual business program for 2021

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the IV quarter of 2020

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the III quarter of 2020

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2020

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the I quarter of 2020

Annual business program for 2020

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2019

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the I quarter of 2019

Annual business program for 2019

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the IV quarter of 2018

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the III quarter of 2018

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2018

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the I quarter of 2018

Annual business program for 2018

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the IV quarter of 2017

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the 3rd quarter of 2017

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2017

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the I quarter of 2017

Annual business program for 2017

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the IV quarter of 2016

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the III quarter of 2016

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2016

Annual business program of JP EMS for 2016

Implementation of the Annual Business Plan of JP EMS for the I quarter of 2016

Independent auditor’s report on the financial statements of JP EMS

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the IV quarter of 2015

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the III quarter of 2015

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the II quarter of 2015

Implementation of the Annual Business Program for the I quarter of 2015

Procedure for planning and creating the Annual Business Program