In accordance with the Grid Code Balance Responsable Party (BRP) can submit Balance Responsible Schedule (BRS).

The type of the BRS depends of the role that BRP has:

Daily schedule of balance group that does not include balance entities:

  1. Blocks of cross-border and internal schedule in each time interval (TPS-Trade Party Schedule)
  2. Consumption Responsible Schedule – CRS,
  3. Production Responsible Schedule – PRS.

II Daily schedule of balance group that includes balance entities:

  1. Blocks of cross-border and internal schedule in each time interval  Trade Party Schedule – TPS;
  2. Minimal and maximal value of power for each balance entity;
  3. Maximal value of power for each generator and pump storage unit;
  4. Availability of generators and pump storage units;
  5. daily schedule for generation separately for each balance entity that cannot exceed the value of subscribed powers for such entity in each time interval;
  6. daily schedule of controlled load separately for each balance entity in each time interval that cannot exceed the subscribed powers of such entity;
  7. daily schedule of the balance group facilities i.e.load schedule for certain facilities upon special request by EMS JSC (e.g. load of distribution area in other area) in each time interval;
  8. list of generating units engaged for the purpose of tertiary regulation and merit order list of generating units engaged for the purpose of tertiary control in accordance with market rules;
  9. balance entities which will provide the contracted secondary reserve which work is planned with the capacity corresponding to the middle of their control band, as well as the list of their engagement, number of generation units per balance entity and the amount of provided secondary reserve, i.e. for balance entities in which all generating units that are in operation do not participate in the provision of the reserve, a further amount of reserve for that balance entity is delivered;

For the processing of BRS EMS JSC is using a specialized Scheduling system.

Balance Responsable Party can submit only one Schedule Message per role per day. Subsequent changes can be made on already submitted schedules by increasing the version of a Time Serie in which the change was made  and increasing the version of the entire document (BRS).

Figure 1 shows the timeline of day-ahead and intraday scheduling:

Schedule Message can be manualy created in Schedule Web Client application

(, imported as .XML into Scheduling Web Client application or sent via authorized e-mail addresses to system e-mail address (

Nomination of a schedules containing cross-border exchange blocks for day D based on a values of fisical transmission rights to the  capacity, via capacity transfer or assignment from exclusive cross-border partner on split borders. BRP-s can submit their schedules up to 7 days ahead, but Scheduling system will check for syntax and semantic errors only. Checking of the Capacity Contracts will be done only after Rights Document Gate closure which is in 16:00 in D-2 for day D. After Rights Document Gate closure Balance Responsible Parties will recive Anomaly (ANO) concerning missing or exceeded Capacity Contract.

  • Nomination of long-term (A04 and A03) exchanges on borders with JOINT auctions shall be sent before 08:00 CET in day D-1 (trading day) for day D (delivery day).
  • Nominations of total (A05) exchanges on borders with SPLIT auctions shall be sent before 14:30 CET in da1 D-0 (trading day) for day D (delivery day)
  • Nominations of short-term (A01) cross-border exchanges shall be sent from 10:00 CET till 14:30 CET in day D-1 (trading day) for day D (delivery day). For both SPLIT and JOINT borders.
  • Nomination of internal transaction, Consumption Responsible Schedule and Production Resoponsable Schedule shall be sent from 00:10 CET in day D-7 till 14:30 CET in day D-1 for the day D.

Checking of internal mismatch and imbalance will be done only on predefined Internal Matching gates.

The time flow of the daily schedule for Day D in the day ahead process is shown in Figure 2:

Nomination of daily schedule in the intraday process starts at 6:00 pm on day D-1 for day D. The remaining cross-border transmission capacity is announced on the allocation platform (DAMAS) no later than 17:45 on the day D-1 for day D.

Principles of Nomination and time limits in the intraday process are given in Figure 3: