Public Announcement

We herewith inform the public that the JSC Elektromreza Srbije has taken all the proposed and necessary actions and measures, so as to ensure the secure and smooth operation of the transmission system of the Republic of Serbia at the time of the declared state of emergency.Our employees who can…
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Start of registration process for participation in Intraday allocations on Bulgaria – Serbia and Croatia – Serbia borders

After receiving decision on approval of the Rules for Allocation of Available Cross-Border Transfer Capacities from AERS, EMS JSC announces the beginning of registration process for participation Intraday allocations procedures for 2020 on Croatia – Serbia and Bulgaria – Serbia borders.Intraday Allocation Rules for Bulgaria – Serbia border, with corresponding…
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Start of registration process for participation in Daily auctions and Intraday allocations, organized by EMS JSC

After receiving decision on approval of the Rules for Allocation of Available Cross-Border Transfer Capacities from AERS, EMS JSC announces the beginning of registration process for participation on Daily auctions and Intraday allocations procedures for 2020 on following borders:•    Romania – Serbia,•    Hungary – Serbia and•    North Macedonia – Serbia.…
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Start of registration process for capacity allocation

After receiving decision on approval of the Rules for Allocation of Available Cross-Border Transfer Capacities from AERS, EMS JSC announces the beginning of registration process for participation on Split auctions and Joint auctions on borders Bosnia and Herzegovina – Serbia and Montenegro – Serbia for 2020.The Auction Rules for Split…
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Kick-off meeting for trilateral market coupling HR-RS-BG

The kick-off meeting for initiation of the trilateral market coupling project between Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria (HR-RS-BG) was successfully held on 13th February, 2019 in Belgrade. The meeting was attended by all main stakeholders – TSO’s (HOPS, EMS and ESO EAD), PX’s (CROPEX, SEEPEX and IBEX) and national regulatory authorities…
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New power exchange for Central and Southeast Europe

Belgrade/Budapest/Paris, 7 February 2018 Representatives of five companies including Elektromreža Srbije, SEEPEX – Southeast European Power Exchange, EPEX SPOT – European Power Exchange, HUPX – Hungarian Power Exchange and the Hungarian transmission system operator MAVIR, signed a Memorandum of Understanding which provides for creating a strong cross-regional power exchange in…
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Voting in ENTSO-E

Electronic voting of transmission system operators from 25 Continental Europe countries was held within the European Association of Transmission System Operators ENTSO-E from 6 to 9 November 2018 for adopting a proposal of solution to prevent deviations in the synchronous area Continental Europe arising from unauthorized electricity takeover by the…
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60 years of electricity transmission in Serbia

Belgrade, 26 June 2018 This year Elektromreža Srbije marks an important anniversary – 60 years of electricity transmission in Serbia, or 60 years from the establishment of the first transmission company – Elektroistok Beograd. The ceremony took place in Dom Garde in Belgrade.Addressing the guests, General Director Jelena Matejić stated that Elektromreža…
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