Legal framework

The process of connecting facilities to the transmission system of the Republic of Serbia is defined by the following regulations:

– Energy Law (Official Gazette of RS no. 145/14);

– Law on Planning and Construction (Official Gazette of RS no. 72/09,81/09- corrigendum, 64/10 -CC, 24/11, 121/12, 42/13-CC, 50/13-CC, 98/13-CC, 132/14, 145/14);

– Decree on conditions of electricity delivery and supply (Official Gazette of RS no.63/2013);

– Rules on energy permit (Official Gazette of RS no. 15/15);

Transmission Grid Code (Official Gazette of RS no. 60/2020);

– Methodology for calculating costs of connection to electricity transmission and distribution system (Official Gazette of RS, no. 109/15);

– Rules on establishing the costs for connection to the electricity transmission system;

  Procedure for connecting facilities to the transmission system (in Serbian) 

  Instructions for connecting facilities to the transmission system (in Serbian)

Major steps in the connection process include:

  • Development of the Facility Connection Study;
  • Development of planning and technical documentation and obtaining the required permits for the construction of the connection;
  • Monitoring the construction of the connection;
  • Approval for connecting the facility;
  • Verifying the fulfillment of technical requirements listed in the approval for connecting the facility, signed agreements and the Transmission Grid Code.

Development of the Connection Study

Connection Study defines the options for connecting to the transmission system, while its appendix lists the documents required for further development of technical documentation and obtaining the required permits (opinion of transmission system operator, technical requirements and project tasks).

In case of the facility of a producer/customer with special characteristics, the quality of electricity is also monitored, dynamic transition processes are analyzed and the compliance with the Transmission Grid Code is tested.

Procedure: the process of developing the connection study starts with the submission of 

application for the development of the Facility Connection Study (in Serbian)
Transmission system operator shall consider the application and provide the applicant with the draft  

Agreement on the Development of Facility Connection Study (in Serbian) and the information on the assigned Connection Project Manager for the respective facility on behalf of the transmission system operator.
Facility Connection Study is developed after the conclusion of the respective agreement between the transmission system operator and the customer/producer. 

Development of planning and technical documentation and obtaining required permits for constructing the connection

The following activities are performed at this stage of the facility connection process: settling property and legal issues of the land intended for the construction of the connecting transmission line and connecting substation, ensuring the development and the prescribed control of complete planning, project and technical documentation, obtaining the necessary requirements and permits for connection (location requirements and construction permits), which includes the preparation of the concept design for location requirements, preparation and revision of the preliminary design, preparation and technical control of the construction permit project, preparation and obtaining approval for the environmental impact study and all other necessary documentation in accordance with the effective legislation of the Republic of Serbia.

Procedure: the process of development of planning and technical documentation and obtaining the required permits for the facility connection construction is initiated by the submission of 

application for the Agreement on the Planning and Technical Documentation Development and Obtaining the Required Permits for Constructing the Connection (in Serbian).
Transmission system operator shall consider the application and provide the applicant with the draft 

Agreement on the Planning and Technical Documentation and Obtaining the Required Permits for Constructing the Connection (in Serbian)

After the transmission system operator and the customer/consumer or a producer conclude the Agreement on the Preparation of the Planning and Technical Documentation and Obtaining the Required Permits for Constructing the Connection, its implementation can start according to the plan of activities agreed between the transmission system operator and the customer/producer (which is an integral part of the Agreement).

Monitoring the constructing of the connection

Rights and obligations of the transmission system operator and the customer/producer during the construction of connection are governed by the 

Agreement on Monitoring the Connection Construction (in Serbian).

Procedure: the process of connection construction monitoring starts by submitting the application for concluding the Agreement on Monitoring the Constructing of the Connection.

Transmission system operator shall consider the application and provide the applicant with the draft Agreement on Monitoring the Constructing of the Connection.

After the transmission system operator and the customer/producer conclude the Agreement on Monitoring the Constructing of the Connection, its implementation can start according to the plan of activities agreed between the transmission system operator and customer/producer (which is an integral part of the Agreement).

Facility connection approval

Facility connection approval defines: the location of connection to the system, the connection method and technical requirements, connection costs, required compliance testing regarding the Transmission Grid Code, installed capacity, approved power, the place of power delivery and the method of metering energy and power, as well as the deadline for the physical connection of the facility.

Procedure: the process of passing the decision on the approval for facility connection is initiated by submitting an

application for the approval of connecting the producer`s facility to the transmission system (in Serbian)


application for the approval of connecting customer`s facility to the transmission system (in Serbian).

Transmission system operator shall decide on the application for customer’s facility connection within 30 days from the date of delivery of the completed application in writing, or in case of connection of the producer’s facility within 60 days from the date of delivery of the completed application in writing.

Testing the compliance of technical requirements included in the facility connection approval

After the construction of the facility and the connection, it is necessary test the compliance with the Transmission Grid Code.
Procedure: the process of testing the compliance with the technical requirements for connection is initiated by the customer/producer by submitting the application for testing the compliance with the technical conditions for connection.
Testing of compliance with the technical requirements for connection is carried out after the transmission system operator and the customer/producer agree and sign the plan for the implementation of the protocol for commissioning of the facility.

Facility exploitation

In order to specify the conditions for exploitation of the facility which will be connected to the transmission system of the Republic of Serbia it is necessary that the transmission system operator and the customer/producer agree on and sign the

Agreement on Facility Exploitation (in Serbian).

Apart from the general provisions, the Agreement on Facility Exploitation includes the following:

  • List of facilities the Agreement refers to;
  • Property borders on primary, secondary and other equipment;
  • Competent management centers of the transmission system operator and the users of the transmission system;
  • List of authorized employees for technical cooperation;
  • Exchange of technical documentation;
  • Technical parameters related to the measurement of electricity;
  • Confidential information based on the criteria set out in the Rules.


For all further inquiries regarding the issues of connecting to the transmission system please contact us at: