**Registration is done via online platform for registration**
The date for the Registration for long term auctions will be announced soon  


General information about yearly and monthly auctions for 2025 – Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yearly and Monthly auctions in 2025, at the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are organized by JSC EMS
Yearly and Monthly Auction Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (English, Unofficial translation) – Approval by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia is in progress

The decision of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia on approval of the rules (in Serbian)

List of Participants eligible to take part in yearly and monthly auctions on Bosnia and Herzegovina-Serbia border for 2025 – Approval by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia is in progress

General information about daily auctions for 2025 – Bosnia and Herzegovina

Daily auctions in 2025, at the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are organized by NOSBiH
Dailly Auction Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (English, Unofficial translation)  – Approval by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia is in progress

General information about intraday allocations for 2025 – Bosnia and Herzegovina

Intraday allocation in 2025, at the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are organized by NOSBiH

Intraday Allocation Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (English, Unofficial translation)  – Approval by the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia is in progress

DAMAS – User Guide for Participants

NERA online platform for registration – User Manual for Participants