Yearly Auctions for the allocation of transmission capacities at the border of control areas of JP Elektromreža Srbije  and MAVIR ZRt. for the year 2015 will be held on Wednesday 26th of November 2014

Yearly Auctions for the allocation of transmission capacities at the border of control areas of JP Elektromreža Srbije and CN Transelectrica S.A for the year 2015 will be held on Wednesday 26th of November 2014

Yearly Auctions for 50% of the total available cross-border transfer capacity on border with Montenegro for the year 2015 will be held on Wednesday 26th of November 2014

Yearly Auctions for the allocation of transmission capacities at the border of control areas of JP Elektromreža Srbije and Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the year 2015 will be held on Friday 5th of December 2014

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