Construction of Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor – Phase I, with its 400 kV power transmission system, represents a project of exceptional national and regional interest which improves the safety and stability of grid operation, provides higher-quality connections for transmission system users and facilitates integration of renewable energy sources. Having in mind its geographical position, the Corridor acts as a supporting pillar in further integration of regional and national electricity markets into a single European market.
The project helps to fulfill the obligations of the Republic of Serbia related to the mandatory 27% share of renewable energy in gross final consumption, as it will be built in such regions in the Republic of Serbia where massive connections to the transmission system of renewable energy sources are expected, especially wind farms.
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All the planned investment facilities of Trans-Balkan Corridor – Phase I have been envisaged by the respective planning documentation of EMS at national level (Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia), respective Regional Investment Plans (RgIP) and ENTSO-E pan-European ten-year development plan (TYNDP – Ten Year Network Development Plan).
The Corridor has been the first and unique project of this type and scope in the Republic of Serbia, for which a special Law on determining public interest and special procedures for expropriation and obtaining documentation in order to construct the 400 kV electricity transmission system Trans-Balkan Corridor – Phase I has been adopted. The Law has enacted rules for dealing with administrative procedures initiated for project construction and the rules for acting of authorities when determining the manner of payment of charges and fees in such administrative procedures, thereby significantly reducing the preparation period for constructing transmission lines.
Total length of 400 kV overhead power lines planned for construction in the first phase of the project is approximately 350 km, almost 300 km of which are double-circuit 400 kV overhead power lines. Total estimated budget value of the first phase of project construction amounts to around EUR 157 million. EMS has already initiated the activities on the construction of the Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor.