
The process of registering participants in auctions in year 2014 has begun

The process of registering participants in auctions in year 2014 has begun.

On 08/11/2013 EMS Supervisory Board adopted the following:

“The rules for allocation of available cross-border transfer capacities on borders of jp ems control area from 01.01.2014 till 31.12.2014″

” Yearly and Monthly Auctions Rules for the allocation of  transmission capacities at the border of control areas of JP Elektromreža Srbije (“EMS”) and MAVIR ZRt. (“MAVIR”) for the year2014.”


The rules are submitted to the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia for approval .


Based on these rules, JP EMS on Friday, 08.01.2013 started registration of participants for participation in auctions in 2014.