We herewith inform the public that the JSC Elektromreza Srbije has taken all the proposed and necessary actions and measures, so as to ensure the secure and smooth operation of the transmission system of the Republic of Serbia at the time of the declared state of emergency.
Our employees who can work from home are delegated to do so, and the ones required for the functioning of the System have received clear instructions, guidelines and assignments, with the aim of ensuring that the transmission system operation and maintenance of more than 10,000 kilometres of the high-voltage power lines under the responsibility of the EMS jsc., as well as the implementation of all planned investment activities, are never brought into question. All the above mentioned have been carried out in compliance with the measures of the Serbian Government, while taking care to preserve the health and safety of our employees, especially of the ones belonging into the vulnerable category.
“ЕМС jsc. is a strategically important company of the Republic of Serbia, and its employees have been, on many occasions so far, facing and coping successfully with difficult and emergency situations, such as bombing (1999), floods and other natural disasters. In that way, we gathered precious experience concerning the importance of being ready and prepared for each and every scenario. That is why we timely established crisis groups, defined priorities, and made schedules and issued assignments. We managed to procure currently necessary volumes of disinfectant chemicals and protection equipment for key employees and also upgraded the safety of the National Control Centre. I can with strong assurance notify the fellow citizens that the transmission system will perform well even in these circumstances that are difficult and never before experienced” says EMS Director Jelena Matejic.