Belgrade/Budapest/Paris, 7 February 2018

Representatives of five companies including Elektromreža Srbije, SEEPEX – Southeast European Power Exchange, EPEX SPOT – European Power Exchange, HUPX – Hungarian Power Exchange and the Hungarian transmission system operator MAVIR, signed a Memorandum of Understanding which provides for creating a strong cross-regional power exchange in the Central and Southeast European region. The agreement envisages the merger of HUPX and SEEPEX, operators of organized day-ahead (spot) electricity market in Hungary and Serbia, while maintaining strong ties with EPEX SPOT as the driving force of the establishment of a single European market. EPEX SPOT, EMS and MAVIR will take the roles of founding shareholders of the new power exchange. The new power exchange will use the services of EPEX SPOT for the activities on the day-ahead market, as well as for the day-ahead coupling activities. Headquarters of the power exchange will be located in Budapest and Belgrade.

Deadlines for launching the new power exchange will be announced at a later stage of the project implementation, while closing of the merger of SEEPEX and HUPX will depend on the effective regulatory and legal conditions.
All five partners agree that signing the agreement is an important event for the integration of Central Western European (CWE) and Central Eastearn European (CEE) regions. In addition, enhancing the cooperation of transmission system operators and power exchanges in CWE, CEE and Southeast European (SEE) regions will be the main driving factor in the envisaged cooperation and integration of SEE region with European internal electricity market. The project remains open to all interested partners wishing to join this initiative aimed at improving the process of integrating a day-ahead electricity market in Central and Southeast Europe.

Visit of highest-level ENTSO-E representatives 

High-level delegation of the European Network of Transmission System Operators ENTSO-E, including Ben Voorhorst, President,  Laurent Schmitt, Secretary-General and Lucy Sarkisian from the Holland TSO, visited Elektromreža Srbije on 11 January 2018. They were hosted by Jelena Matejić, General Manager, and the company`s management.

The meeting was an opportunity for the representatives of EMS and ENTSO-E to discuss a number of important topics. Visitors from abroad were introduced to the power sector in Serbia and the particularities of relations and cooperation in the region of Southeast Europe. A comprehensive presentation on the activities of Elektromreža Srbije was given, focusing on the company`s role in the regional and pan-European transition processes. Coordination of activities and the ways in which ENTSO-E can support EMS in all challenges which may occur in future was also discussed. The importance of sound and regular communication and open access to all issues was also emphasized.
– Visit of the ENTSO-E high-level delegation certainly indicates to the importance of our company and to our international recognition. I am very satisfied with the meeting and the way EMS is perceived outside Serbian borders. EMS will continue to host such meetings in future, as we find them very important – both for better understanding of each other and also for more efficient fulfillment of international obligations we have as Serbian transmission system operator – stated Jelena Matejić, General Manager.