Miloš Jović is the Corporate Director for Commercial Affairs at the Joint Stock Company “Elektromreža Srbija”, Belgrade. He is a lawyer by profession and is an expert in public procurement with more than 20 years of experience in this field.
He worked in construction, forwarding and insurance companies, as well as in a public utility founded by a local municipality. For six years, he was employed by the Public Procurement Office, which he left as the head of the group for the development of the public procurement system. He has been with EMS AD since May 2019.
He was a member of the working group for drafting several laws in the field of public procurement and public-private partnership, and the author of strategic planning documents in the relevant domains. On behalf of the Republic of Serbia he was a member of the European Commission Public Procurement Expert Group.
He is the executive director of the Public Procurement Chamber of Serbia, an association that gathers public procurement officers from all over the country.
He is a recognized international consultant for public procurement, author and co-author of a large number of books and publications. As a lecturer/ speaker, he performed at numerous seminars and expert meetings concerning the public procurement, and the National Academy of Public Administration awarded him the Top-Rated Lecturer in 2018.
He was born in 1976 in Belgrade, completed the primary and secondary (Economics) education in Stara Pazova, and graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade in 2001. He has two kids, daughter Lena and son Luka.
AD Elektromreza Srbije
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