Testing, control and certification of electricity meters
Elektromreža Srbije Joint Stock Company Belgrade is accredited as a controlling body by the Decision of the Serbian Ministry of Economy – Directorate of Measurements and Precious Metals no. 002870950 2024 10811 004 001 392 016 04 029 of 23. October 2024. In such capacity it is authorised to test, control and certify electricity meters.

Registration code of the controlling body Elektromreža Srbije JSC: OM 098
Accreditation certificate of Elektromreža Srbije JSC (in Serbian)
Controlling body tests, controls and certifies active energy meters for direct or semi-direct connection of accuracy class: 0.2S, 0.5S, 1, B and C, and reactive energy meters of accuracy class: 2 and 3, in accordance with national legislation and industry standards. The tested meters proved to be compliant to the metrological requirements are certified by the controlling body with a seal put on the meters in accordance with the meter Type Approval Certificate issued by the Directorate of Measurements and Precious Metals in Serbia. Elektromreža Srbije Joint Stock Company is providing services of testing, control and certification of electricity meters for the third parties. Those customers can initiate testing, controlling and certification of its meters by submission of the following documents to Elektromreža Srbije Joint Stock Company Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 412, Belgrade:
1. Application for the certification of electricity meters (to be completed and signed)
Application for certification of electricity meters (in Serbian) – MS Word
Application for certification of electricity meters (in Serbian) – pdf
2. Specification of the electricity meter to be certified with reference to the registration number of the application
Technical specification of the electricity meter to be certified (in Serbian) – MS Word
Technical specification of the electricity meter to be certified (in Serbian) – pdf
3. Proof of payment of administrative fee (copy of payment order)
By submitting the application for certifying meters, the applicant acknowledges that it is acquainted with controlling body services pricelist, effective on the date of submission of the application.
The controlling body is processing the received complete applications and notifying the applicants by e-mail about the expected time of delivery of meters and the expected time of finalization of the certification activities. Meters brought for the certification need to be clean and without visible physical or electrical damage.
Upon completion of meter certification work, the applicant receives an invoice for the cost of the controlling body services for testing, controlling and certification of the electricity meter. The applicant is notified of the time and place of meter delivery after the payment of the invoice.
In the case of meters where users can trigger entering of meter in the setting mode, the applicant shall additionally submit the following documents to the controlling body: Certificate of Type Approval of the meter issued by the Directorate of Measurements and Precious Metals in Serbia, along with other required documentation and tools for identification and reading of meter firmware.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the work of the controlling body or the result of meter certification, he/she may file an objection or appeal to the controlling body in the first instance procedure. Further to this, in case the applicant is not satisfied with the first instance procedure, it may appeal to the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals in the second instance procedure within 15 days after receiving the response from the controlling body in the first instance procedure, with obligation to inform the controlling body in writing about such action.
In the case of meter damage occurring after the moment of meter delivery to the controlling body until the moment of meter delivery back to the applicant, the applicant shall be compensated from the controlling body insurance policy. Under the contracted legal obligations, the controlling body is responsible solely for managing all the information received or generated during the activities of testing, control and certification of electricity meters.
For any further information please contact us at:
Phone: : +381 11 3957 019 E-mail: laboratorija@ems.rs