Belgrade, March 7th, 2018

Relating to the ENTSO-E’s communication for the public (, the fact about the drop of system frequency in continental Europe, due to 113 GWh of missing energy, is correct. This missing energy was caused by KOSTT’s continuous deviation from the Control Program, in the period January -February 2018. KOSTT was uninterruptedly withdrawing, in an unauthorised manner, uncontracted electric energy from the Continental Europe synchronous area.

KOSTT has been, with such behaviour, violating norms and standards of the operational work in the Continental Europe synchronous area, and has also been in breach of its obligation of independently performing the control of its subarea (i.e. load and production balancing) within EMS’ control area.

Bearing in mind that ЕМS AD is in charge of balancing its control area, which includes the KOSTT subarea, EMS AD has committed all its resources to resolving this issue in a swift and efficient manner. Representatives of EMS AD are constantly in communication with the relevant local and foreign stakeholders and organizations, who have been regularly and timely provided with information about all aspects of the current situation. It should also be noted that KOSTT, after it had faced the pressures exerted by relevant institutions, ceased, as of March 3, its unauthorized power withdrawal, and hence the increase in synchronous time deviations has ended.