„Market Code is written in accordance with the Energy Law, also taking into consideration relevant European Union regulations, as well as obligations deriving by EMS AD membership in the European Network of Transmission System Operators ENTSO-E.

Market Code regulates necessary matter needed for the functioning of the electricity market, including balance responsibility of the market participants, the balancing market, securing payments, electricity billing for balancing purposes, as well as the way of providing system services.

The adoption of the Market Code provides for the necessary legal framework for the further development and efficient functioning of the national electricity market on the principle of competition and its integration into a single European market. “ 

Rules on changes and amandments of Market Code – date of publication and validity 27.12.2024

Market Code – Unofficial English Translation – Internally Revised Text

The decision of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia on approval of the Market Code – in Serbian

Market Code – Unofficial English Translation – Internally Revised Text

Market Code – Unofficial English Translation – date of publication and validity 24.12.2021.

Rules on changes and amandments of Market Code – in Serbian – date of publication and validity 02.11.2021.

Market code – Revised text based on the Market Code from 29.11.2016. and Changes and Ammandments to the Market code from 02.11.2021. in Serbian

Market Code valid until 01.11.2021.

The decision of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia on approval of the Market Code – in Serbian

Market Code – Unofficial English Translation – Internally Revised Text

Market Code – in Serbian

The Commission for monitoring the implementation of the Market Code

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