Jelena Matejić

General Manager of the Joint Stock Company "Elektromreza Srbije"
  • +381 11 3330-650
  • Kneza Miloša 11, 11000 Belgrade

Jelena Matejić holds the position of  General Manager of Elektromreža Srbije Joint Stock Company Belgrade. She has Master’s degree in Economics, Marketing expert. In addition, she took specialist courses of WIFI institute (Austrian Development Agency) and earned a project manager title. She holds certificates from numerous seminars, courses, trainings dealing with the following subjects: business plan, feasibility study preparation and management skills. She worked with MARK PLAN, marketing research, as an external assistant. Her professional career was then linked to DELTA SPORT d.o.o. where she first worked in Finance department, and finally moving up to the position of a retail development manager and assistant to the acting Chief Investment Officer (CIO). In 2006 she shifted to the position of assistant CIO in DROGA KOLINSKA GROUP; from 2012 she is Director of Investments and Investment Maintenance for Serbia and Macedonia in ATLANTIC GROUP. As of October 2012, she started employment with the Public Enterprise Elektromreža Srbije, on the position of Executive Director for Investment and Strategy, and she was appointed to the position of acting Director on the 29thDecember 2016. She was also appointed the member of Managing Board and member of the Supervisory Board of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS), respectively. As of February 2015, she has been performing the public function of a chairperson of the Serbian Equity Fund Council. 

Јelena Matejić was born in Smederevo in 1973. She is married and mother of one child. She speaks fluent English and intermediate Spanish.