To meet its obligations stipulated under the Energy Law and the Rules on Guarantees of Origin (Domain protocol), Elektromreža Srbije has introduced a new market process – issuing and administration of guarantees of origin for electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the market of ​​the Republic of Serbia.

Elektromreža Srbije has started an IT platform for registering guarantees of origin and from the technical and legal aspect fulfilled all the prerequisites for successful performance of all the tasks and obligations regarding this process as regards establishing and maintaining the Register of guarantees of origin and calculation of the national mix the suppliers use for establishing the shares of all types of energy sources in the electricity sold to end customers in Serbia.

The presentation at which all the necessary information on the new market process and planned activities related to the system of guarantees of origin in the upcoming period was shared with the interested stakeholders took place on 23 February 2018 on the company`s premises in Vojvode Stepe Street in Belgrade.