EMS Head Office located at Kneza Milosa street was the venue where a meeting of the members of the Consortium for drawing up the study “Implementation Studies in the Process of Synchronous Interconnection of Power System of Baltic States and Power System of Continental Europe”, arranged under the auspices of ENTSO-E, took place on 26th of January.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the PSE Polish transmission system operator, including its subcontractor IEN (Institute of Power Engineering from Gdansk), and representatives of Elektromreza Srbije, the host of the meeting, along with their subcontractor EKC. In addition to the said members, the Consortium is also composed of Amprion and 50Hertz, German TSOs.
The Consortium Agreement was signed in November 2020, which also triggered the start of the Project. At the meeting the members discussed the topics and results related to the assessment of the transient stability of the Baltic power systems in the so-called island operation as well as in parallel operation with CESA (Continental Europe Synchronous Area).