Information about REMIT reporting done by TEL

General information about Yearly and Monthly auctions for 2025

Yearly and Monthly auctions in 2025, at the border between Romania and Serbia are organized by JAO S.A. (Joint Allocation Office). 

Harmonised allocation rules for long-term transmission rights and Border Specific Annex for the Bidding Zone border Romania – Serbia to the Harmonised Allocation Rules for Long-Term Transmission Rights

More information about the procedures for allocation of cross-zonal transmission rights can be found on official JAO S.A. (Joint Allocation Office) website –

General information about Daily auctions for 2025

Daily auctions in 2025, at the border between Romania and Serbia are organized by Transelectrica S.A. 

Daily Auction Rules of Cross Zonal Capacities on the Border between the Bidding Zones of C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica S.A. (“Transelectrica”) and EMS AD Beograd (“EMS”) for 2025

The decision of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia on approval of the rules (in Serbian)

General information about the Allocation of Cross Zonal Intraday Capacity for 2025

Allocation of the Cross Zonal Intraday capacity in 2025, at the border between Romania and Serbia is organized by Transelectrica S.A. 

Intraday Allocation Rules for the Coordinated Allocation of Cross Zonal Capacities at the Border between the Bidding Zones of EMS AD Beograd (“EMS”) and C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica S.A. (“Transelectrica”) for the year 2025