General information about yearly and monthly auctions for 2022 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yearly and Monthly Auction Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (in Serbian, Cyrillic)
Yearly and Monthly Auction Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (in Serbian, Latin)
Yearly and Monthly Auction Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (English, Unofficial translation)
The decision of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia on approval of the rules (in Serbian)
Agreement on Participation in the Auctions for the Right to Use the Cross-Border Transmission Capacity (English, Unofficial translation)
Declaration on take-over and use of the electronic certificate (in English, Unofficial translation)
List of Participants eligible to take part in yearly and monthly auctions on Bosnia and Herzegovina-Serbia border for 2022
General information about daily auctions for 2022 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dailly Auction Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (in Serbian, Cyrillic)
Dailly Auction Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (English, Unofficial translation)
General information about intraday allocations for 2022 – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Intraday Allocation Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (in Serbian, Cyrillic)
Intraday Allocation Rules for the allocation of Cross Zonal capacities at the Border between Bidding zones of EMS JSC Belgrade and NOSBiH (English, Unofficial translation)