On 12 September 2018 representatives of Elektromreža Srbije awarded scholarships to students of secondary electrical engineering schools from four Serbian cities including Nikola Tesla School from Belgrade, First Technical School from Kruševac, Technical School from Čačak and Nikola Tesla School from Niš.

The annual scholarship amount is RSD 80,000. Third-year students of electrical technician departments and second-year students of the electrical fitter departments were entitled to participate in the competition. Apart from the scholarships, these students will also work with mentors, and they will also be obliged to solve some practical issues in various organizational units of EMS during the defined number of such classes per month. There is also the possibility of employment after they complete their education, in case such professional support is required.

– This is our contribution to the ​​dual education concept and our effort to provide timely guidance to the talented young people who are actually the future of this company and the future of this country. Financial assistance is certainly useful, but what is much more important is the practical knowledge you will gain by spending time in our company, which is the leader of the power sector. Like in the previous years, our employees will wholeheartedly share their experience and knowledge with students, and we invite you to take advantage of this opportunity. I hope that some of you will be important contributors to the future success of Elektromreža Srbije – stated Jelena Matejić, General Manager of Elektromreža Srbije.

Branko Subotić, Director of Nikola Tesla Electrical Engineering School in Belgrade, emphasized that this kind of support to students would be valuable for their further education.

– Scholarships of Elektromreža Srbije are great incentives for the students of our school. Further to this, our best students, aware that they have the opportunity to practice and work in a great company, choose exactly those educational profiles which provide them with such possibilities, such as the electrical engineer of the energy sector, and this increases the quality of students in the long run – added the school director.

This is the fourth consecutive year that EMS JSC has awarded scholarships to secondary school students. The goal of the project is to improve education and to help the young people who have decided to develop their professional careers in energy. Traditionally, by the end of the year, Elektromreža Srbije will award scholarships to students of the electrical engineering faculties in Serbia.