Development plans – national – regional – European

EMS is legally bound to ensure sustainable development of the transmission system of the Republic of Serbia. 

Through its mid-term and long-term development strategy for the following ten-year or twenty-year period, EMS plans extensive investments to renew the existing and construct new transmission capacities. 

These infrastructure facilities will improve the security of supply of the transmission system users and increase cross-border capacities for electricity exchange, which is of great international importance, as Serbia is connected with eight neighboring countries.

In accordance with the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, the development plans of the production and distribution systems and EMS business strategy, investments in electricity transmission infrastructure, are directed towards the following goals:

  1. Increasing transmission system security and reliability of supply of transmission system users, which is a legal obligation of EMS; 
  2. Increasing cross-border transmission capacities of the Republic of Serbia of regional and pan-European significance;
  3. Balanced, sustainable and timely development of the transmission system with the aim of connecting new conventional and renewable sources of electricity and buyer facilities; 
  4. Electricity market development at national and regional level.

In order to achieve the stated goals for continuous, systematic and balanced development of the transmission network within its competence, EMS annually adopts development plans for the following ten-year period. Such publication period is in line with the Directive 2009/72/EC of the Third Energy Package, according to which the transmission system operators within the ENTSO-E are obliged to yearly submit their Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan to their national regulatory bodies.

In order to achieve the stated goals for continuous, systematic and balanced development of the transmission network within its competence, EMS annually adopts development plans for the following ten-year period. Such publication period is in line with the Directive 2009/72/EC of the Third Energy Package, according to which the transmission system operators within the ENTSO-E are obliged to yearly submit their Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan to their national regulatory bodies.

Ten-year transmission system development plan of the Republic of Serbia for 2021-2030 period (in Serbian) has been approved by the Decision of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (in Serbian).

The provisions of the following documents are observed when drafting the National Transmission System Development Plan:

In addition to its national goals, EMS is obliged to harmonize its activities in the field of planning and implementation of infrastructure investments with the international obligations assumed by the Republic of Serbia. In the area of electricity transmission, these obligations are reflected in the Third Package of the EU legislation on the Internal Electricity Market, especially Regulation 714/2009. According to this Regulation, ENTSO-E association, where EMS is a full member, is obliged to publish:

  • Pan-European Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), biannually
  • Regional investment plans, biannually
  • Mid-Term Adequacy Forecast (MAF reports)
  • Statistical Reports regarding the compliance of the production and transmission system

    EMS representatives actively participate in the development of the Pan-European Ten-Year Network Development Plan TYNDP, which defines the development of the transmission network throughout Europe for the upcoming period, for different scenarios of renewable sources share in total electricity production (from conservative to “green”). EMS representative, as chairperson of the Regional Development Group for the ENTSO-E region CSE – Continental Southeast Europe, coordinates the participation of regional group in the development of TYNDP, and in regional documents, such as the Regional Investment Plan. Also, EMS respresentative is a member of the Steering Group and Quality Control Board in the TYNDP making process.