Transmission system in the Republic of Serbia consists of overhead power lines, cables, substations and switching stations of 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV, except 110 /h kV substations which are part of the distribution system.

Transmission system is, on one hand, connected to production facilities, and on the other, to distribution system and customer facilities (industrial complexes and railway transformer stations). In addition, our transmission system is connected to all transmission systems in neighboring countries.

Main purpose of the transmission system, along with the distribution system, is to enable reliable transmission of electricity from production facilities to end customers, as well as the international electricity exchange.

The tables below provide an overview of the transmission system’s capacity: the number and length of the overhead power lines, number and length of cables, number of switching stations and transformers with the installed transformation power.

Overhead lines EMS JSC31/12/2018
400 kVNumber of overhead lines37
Length of overhead lines (km)1,787.69
220 kVNumber of overhead lines47
Length of overhead lines (km)1,847.69
110 kVNumber of overhead lines368
Length of overhead lines (km)5,899.40
<110 kVNumber of overhead lines10
Length of overhead lines (km)230.9
UKUPNONumber of overhead lines462
Length of overhead lines (km)9,765.68
UKUPNO SA KiMNumber of overhead lines512
Length of overhead lines (km)10,817.89
110 kVNumber of cables9
 Length of cables (km)36.58
<110 kVNumber of cables2
 Length of cables (km)2.8
400/x kV/kVNumber of substations18
Number of transformers29
Installed capacity (MVA)9,450
220/x kV/kVNumber of substations14
Number of transformers30
Installed capacity (MVA)5,631.50
110/x kV/kVNumber of substations6
Number of transformers14
Installed capacity (MVA)659.5
TOTALNumber of substations38
Number of transformers73
Installed capacity (MVA)15,741
TOTAL with KiM Number of substations45
Number of transformers85
Installed capacity (MVA)17,324