Belgrade, March 7th, 2018 Relating to the ENTSO-E’s communication for the public (, the fact about the drop of system frequency in continental Europe, due to 113 GWh of missing energy, is correct. This missing energy was caused by KOSTT’s continuous deviation from the Control Program, in the period January…
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Issuing and administration of guarantees of origin

To meet its obligations stipulated under the Energy Law and the Rules on Guarantees of Origin (Domain protocol), Elektromreža Srbije has introduced a new market process – issuing and administration of guarantees of origin for electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the market of ​​the Republic of Serbia. Elektromreža…
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Consent on Rules

Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia on the 355th session held on December 9, 2016 gave consent on the Rules on the publication of Electricity Market Fundamental, the Market code and rules for capacity allocation on borders with Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. The Rules on the…
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Market Code – Public Debate

JP EMS put on Public debate the text of new Market Code. Remarks to the text of Market Code can be submitted on the Remark form to the following email address: and The deadline for submitting Remark Form is 28.10.2016 Market Code and Remark form can be downloaded at .
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Yearly Auctions for 2015

Yearly Auctions for the allocation of transmission capacities at the border of control areas of JP Elektromreža Srbije  and MAVIR ZRt. for the year 2015 will be held on Wednesday 26th of November 2014 Yearly Auctions for the allocation of transmission capacities at the border of control areas of JP…
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