Belgrade, 26 June 2018

This year Elektromreža Srbije marks an important anniversary – 60 years of electricity transmission in Serbia, or 60 years from the establishment of the first transmission company – Elektroistok Beograd. The ceremony took place in Dom Garde in Belgrade.
Addressing the guests, General Director Jelena Matejić stated that Elektromreža Srbije welcomes the anniversary as a modern and successful company, leader of the electricity sector, a recognised member of international bodies and organizations, and company which is restlessly building and investing in itself and its employees.

– We are responsible for more than 10,000 kilometres of transmission lines and over 40 plants which we manage efficiently and according to the highest European standards. EMS is a company which is firmly focused on modernization and progress. We are aware that without continuous improvement of business processes and activities in all fields it is not possible to keep the pace with modern global trends – said the general director of Elektromreža Srbije.

One of the oldest directors of Elektroistok, Vojislav Milić, also addressed the audience saying that he had the privilege of working in a well-organized team which was successful in business, socially responsible, and where most of the professional experts were engaged. A corporate movie dedicated to this anniversary was also played at the ceremony, and notes of appreciation were given to the employees with exceptional contribution to the company operation in the previous period.  One of them was the retired Zoran Vučković, former head of the Transmission Lines Department, who said that all the employees of Elektroistok and Elektromreža Srbije deserved recognition for everything they did and for what they are doing now for the Republic of Serbia and its power system.

– My heart is full when I look at what we have achieved in the last 60 years, and I am particularly happy and proud to see that our EMS has young and professional staff today, that it is expanding and building new facilities and that it does not have to worry about its future – stated Vučković.